A new hut with a leaking roof
Since 16 October 2024, there has been a hut in Neustadt with a leaking roof. How is that? Botched up construction - right? None of this...
A new hut with a leaking roof
Birthday Gifts for the World
What is Tsom Tamuz?
Community and renewal
Drashah for Passover
There were many before us
Our Purim
Report: The Neo-Hassidic Week 2023 in Dresden
Nature and Humility
Short long story of our community
Warum eigentlich chassidisch?
Embracing Reflection and Renewal
Jewish Remembrance Week Görlitz/Zgorzelec
Tikkun Leil Shavuot
Why do we study on Shavuot?
Celebrating Celebrations
We are all connected